Design Research Projects

providing the right tools for employees
Role: Project lead
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Shadowing, Interviews, Focus groups, Digital ethnography, Personas, Workshop
How might we enhance the day-to-day journey of the bank's employees through the wools provided for them?
The challenge was to define what factors impacted the most and how to improve the employee experience at the branches and call centers before and after the pandemic.

creating an employee recognition model
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Interviews, Projective techniques, Focus groups, Benchmark, Storyboards, Proof of concept, Personas, Design principles, Workshops
How might we develop a recognition model that promotes cultural principles and rewards not only performance but also effort?
There is no recognition model implemented for the entire bank, but some areas have launched their own initiatives in the absence of a general guideline.
The challenge was to discover how employees experienced recognition ir order to identify opportunities.

establishing a more humble leadership model
Role: Project lead
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Interviews, Projective techniques, Proof of concept, Workshops
How might we communicate and deploy Leadership Framework for BCP within a context of cognitive and information overload?
The cultural transformation allowed leaders to evolve from a history of authoritarian, formal and bureaucratic leadership focused only on achieving goals.
A strategy and a Leadership framework were being developed, but had only been used currently for internal purposes (within the HR department).
The challenge was to understand the perceptions, motivations, barriers and improvements regarding leadership in order to communicate the framework to all of the bank's leaders.

communicating leadership results adequately
Role: Project lead
Team: Single designer
Tools: Prototypes, User tests, Guerrillas, Heuristics
How might we motivate and guide bosses to improve their leadership skills?
The HR team launched a survey to all of the bank employees to collect feedback from their bosses on key aspects of their leadership, as well as to understand if the employees would recommend their boss as a leader (employee Net Promoter Score). With this input, the HR team expected bosses to improve their leadership skills, however the way they planned to deliver the results was not appropriate as, from a behavioral perspective, the leader would not be prone to act if he/she could not understand the results information nor had any idea of how to start improving.
I proactively took ownership of the task, re-designed the results document to include an explanation of what was the survey about, how to read the results and what are the expected levels of results. Additionally, color codes were included to quickly scan through the document, as well as next steps that could be carried out, a personal action plan and frequent questions regarding the results.
A few prototypes of the document were printed and tested through user test guerillas, making small adjustments based on the leaders feedback and testing once again the prototypes. After several loops and evaluations, the final document was delivered to all leaders.
To understand at what level were BCP leaders employing the leadership framework, the HR team launched a survey to all of the bank employees to collect feedback regarding their bosses on key leadership aspects.
In order to communicate the results adequately, I proactively took ownership of the task. I re-designed the results document, printed prototypes and conducted 10 user test guerillas to adjust the prototypes based on the user's needs. After several loops and evaluations, the final document was delivered to all leaders.

enhancing store management for grocers
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Desk research, Shadowing, Interviews, Proof of concept, Personas, Journeys, Design principles, Value proposition canvas
How might we help grocers to easily manage their business and daily financial management by reducing trouble with cash?
By shadowing grocery shops and interviewing grocery owners ("grocers"), we built two personas, each deployed in two variants depending on their maturity state. Each persona was complemented with a journey of their everyday routine including interactions with suppliers, wholesalers and clients. Transversal design principles and specific principles were defined for each persona. A Value Proposition Canvas was built for the persona with the most income potential to define new solutions that could be created and offered.

making remote channels the first choice for exclusive clients
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Shadowing, Interviews, Personas, Journeys, Design principles
How might we turn remote advisors into the main interaction channel, leaving the bank branches as the last option?
The challenge was to understand the type of relationship between exclusive clients and their remote advisors (service and communication wise) in order to maximize their gains and reduce pains, making the remote channel more functional.
re-designing an online strategy and experience
Role: Project lead
Team: 2 designers, 1 business analyst
Tools: Desk research, Benchmark, Focus groups, Interviews, Surveys, Personas, Journey map, Value proposition canvas
How might we attract new quality customers at the digital user acquisition stage?
Benchmark and desk research was carried out and served as an input for the interviews and focus groups. Surveys were launched afterwards to validate hypothesis and quantify results. As an output, personas and journey maps were built (4 personas in total, 2 per cluster group). Finally, a strategy and digital roadmap was created based on what are the appropriate channels to impact users according to the moment they are living and the content is most relevant to them.
building an assessment for digital maturity
Role: Project lead, Product owner
Team: Single designer
Tools: Surveys, Testing, Pilot, Visual dashboard
How might we identify digital skills and training opportunities among employees to promote a digital culture and innovation within companies?
I programmed a software for measuring the digitization of the human factor applicable to current employees and new applicants of the company. The assessment consists of 36 to 81 questions, that follow a decision tree scheme. The test adjusts itself (becomes more simple or complex) depending on how the questions are answered. the assessment considers 2 dimensions (digital knowledge, digital mindset) with 4-5 criteria per dimension. Each criterion has 3 levels, and a participant can only go to the next level if he/she answers at least â…” questions correctly. The final score is accompanied by the profile obtained and an automated conclusion that indicates the lowest criteria. The results of the digital score can be viewed individually, filtered by area, job rank and period.
communicating what society needs to companies that want to make a change
Team: 2 designers
Tools: Interviews, Mindsets, Design principles
How might we transform private companies into allies that the society trusts and the State makes synergies with?
The challenge was to dig on the perceptions and expectations that different Peruvian segments and profiles have about the State, social or political movements, and private companies. With this input, an association of the 10 largest Peruvian companies would start making a participative change and filling in the gaps left by the government.
IncreasING Employment Opportunities for People with
Type: Personal project (not work related)
Role: Research, UX
Team: 4 designers
Tools: User & expert interviews, Immersion, Analogous inspiration, Prototype
How might we introduce a space in the recruiting process where the company and candidate can discuss the disability comfortably?
The majority of companies in Peru do not take into account the disabilities as part of the recruiting process, however these tend to significantly influence the final result of candidate selection. Unlike the regular digital platforms were candidates upload documents, we proposed an inclusive and accessible chatbot to be used in the recruiting process, designed to create a space where the candidates can discuss openly and without stigmas their disabilities or special needs.