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providing the right tools for employees

Sector: Financial services

Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP) 

Role: Design Research, Employee Experience

Date: 2019 & 2020


  • BCP is the largest owned financial institution in Peru, with the highest branch capillarity.

  • BCP's key objectives are to operate efficiently in the market and give an extraordinary experience; however, there is an ongoing tension between both objectives.

  • In order to provide an extraordinary experience, the bank has mapped out 7 employee journeys.

  • The "Day-to-day Journey" (work processes) represents 30% of all pains at the branches. 

  • The challenge was to define what factors impacted the most and how to improve the employee experience at the branches and call centers before and after the pandemic. 

THE design PROcess

I led the design activities on this projects and collaborated with another design researcher for the shadowing and focus groups phases.  

1st research (5 weeks - 2019)

2nd research (4 weeks - 2020)







Desk Research

Shadowing, Focus Groups & Interviews





Focus Groups


* Due to the proprietary nature of this work, the case study will discuss my process and some of the work but at very high level.

the 1st research (before covid-19)

desk research

As an input for the research project, I collected studies from different areas including , metrics, surveys, previous research and baseline results from each touchpoint within the employee journey. 



  • Define what factors impact the the work routine and "day to day" experience for branch and call center employees.

  • Understand a regular day at a branch or call center, identifying communication channels, tools, touch points and pain points.

  • Discover work arounds for day to day problems. 


  • Shadowing

  • Focus groups

  • Interviews (one type of the user groups could not attend the focus groups, so we  switched to individual interviews)

user groups

7 user groups​

  • 5 user groups from branches 

  • 2  user groups from call centers


My-coworker and I accompanied the branch and call center employees throughout a week. 

Branch employees had  2 computers, 2 mouses and 2 keyboards (one for each system they operated).

Call center employees had a mirror to see if they were happy or angry when talking to clients

Constant errors limited the work performance and client service. 

There are no chairs for the employees who change shifts. They have to wait standing behind the current shift. Others used trash bins  to sit on (image on the left).

focus groups

To complement the previous phase, we carried out 7 focus groups (each for a different user group). 

The questions where divided into 2 themes: Journey of the day-to-day routine, and  Work tools mapping

  • Journey of the day-to-day routine:
    The participants put together their journey consideren phases before, during and after their workday. ​

  • Work tools mapping: 
    The participants were  asked to define what is a "work tool" for them.
    They put together a matrix of considering indispensable vs. working correctly.
    They rated how satisfied they were with work tools and shared the best and worst experiences.

The information from each focus group was collected and analyzed.

image (1).png

* Sample from the information collected. Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.


I analyzed the information from the shadowing, focus groups and interviews to look cross-sectional and individual patterns. 

The research pointed out 3 large cross-sectional patterns: 



Before I was happy with being part-time, but now I work full time being part-time. I can't spend more than 20 minutes for lunch because I prioritize answering back clients. 

D E  P  E N D E N C I E S

Help Desk takes ages to assist you,  they live at a different pace. They are less and less prepared, and most of all disinterested.

O W N   R E S O U R C E S 

I kept running out of data and I could not contact clients, so I changed the chip to use my own data plan instead. I also asked for a portable phone charger at the office's Christmas gift exchange to use with clients.



Overall, the employees had a feeling of frustration and confusion while performing their jobs. 

We have become more agile, but the processes and systems have not. How can I perform as required if I am not given the tools I need? Sometimes it is really hard, I must go to the bathroom, breathe, and then walk out with a smile to receive the next client.


Each user group was positioned in a "pain scale" to identify which users were being impacted the most. 



* General User Group Pain Scale. Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.

Each user group was then deeply analyzed, highlighting the role, goals and issues that impacted the most. 

image (2).png

* Sample from the user group analysis. Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.


The qualitative information collected throughout the project was crossed with an investigation carried out by the Processes unit to post and track the hours worked by employees and to identify on what were they spending most of their time vs what brought more value for them. Using both qualitative and quantitative information, I illustrated a persona to represent the needs, goals and design principles of one of the user groups (the one on the extreme of the pain scale). The persona was used for stakeholders to better emphasize with the main user group and to facilitate discussions about the needs, desires and contexts during a workshop. The objective was for participants to refer to this persona throughout the ideation process, and afterwards to serve as a reference for the implementation team. 

image (3).png

* Persona created for one of the user groups. Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.

searching for alternative solutions

It was important to involve stakeholders as part of the design process. I held a workshop to get input from key stakeholders across the units involved in order to bring stakeholders along the design process and receive feedback.

I structured and facilitated the workshop of 15 participants. 

Captura de pantalla 2020-12-02 a la(s) 0
Captura de pantalla 2020-12-02 a la(s) 0
Captura de pantalla 2020-12-02 a la(s) 0

Trigger cards used for the second round of ideation