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Sector: Financial services

Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP) 

Role: Design Research, ​Content Design, Facilitation

Tools: Interviews, Projective techniques, Focus groups, Benchmark, Storyboards, Proof of concept, Personas, Design principles, Workshops

Date: 2019-2020


  • There is no recognition model implemented for the entire bank (BCP), but some areas have launched their own initiatives in the absence of a general guideline.

  • 6 Focus groups (+40 participants) and 28 interviews were carried out with areas without any recognition model and areas with their own initiatives to discover how employees experience recognition and identify opportunities.

  • Personas and design principles were build, and workshops were carried out with key areas that are part of the pilot for the new recognition model created. 

* Due to the proprietary nature of this work, the case study will discuss my process and some of the work but at very high level.

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Initiatives launched by teams for recognition: Kudo boxes and recognition boards



Over the course of 2 weeks, my co-worker and me visited different areas to observe how they recognized employees. Additionally, we conducted 6 focus groups (+40 participants) and 28 interviews. 

Participants from the focus groups

During the interviews, I used projective techniques to understand through image-association how employees perceived and experienced recognition.

Additionally, I incorporated a card-sorting exercise to understand what the collaborators valued the most.

Images used for the projective techniques

During the focus groups, I facilitated brainstorming sessions to co-create a first version of the recognition model.

Brainstorming sessions that I facilitated

I synthesized all of the information, debriefing and clustering per profile (ie. leaders, analysts, interns) and work type.


Sample from my debriefs and summaries


  • I suggested we present an alternative recognition model (points are earned and later redeemed for products of your choice) besides the traditional one (pins and cards are given as recognition). 

  • By presenting both models to users through storyboards, they could evaluate their pros and cons, adjust the models and choose the one they preferred. 

  • It surprised me that users preferred a combination of both models. They valued personalization but also redeeming intangible elements (ie. Team gatherings, a day off).

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Storyboards presenting two recognition models

* Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.

Analysis &  discoveries

I analyzed all the information collected and used it to identify 3 personas and build 5 design principles covering topics such as:

  • Transparency

  • Being consequential

  • Focusing on individual motivation

  • Focusing on results but also effort

  • Seniority


* Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.

searching for alternative solutions

  • I designed the content and experience for 3 co-creation workshops (I facilitated 2 of the sessions) with key departments focused on ideating the new recognition model and prioritizing strategies valued by the team in order to pilot them.

  • The ideation considered variables such as visibility, feedback, desirability and temporality. 

  • The barriers identified cross-departments for the adoption of the model included lack off time and a mindset focused solely on results and high achievements.

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Sample from the virtual workshop

* Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.


Collaboratively with the HR department, we proposed an MVP for recognition. 

A pilot is being carried out during 3 months in order to learn what worked and what needs to me adjusted and improved.

see other projects


the right tools for employees

How might we enhance the day-to-day journey of the bank's branch employees through the tools provided for them? 

(before and during the COVID-19 pandemic)

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How might we turn remote advisors into the main interaction channel, leaving the bank branches as the last option? 

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