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Sector: Financial services

Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP) 

Role: Design Research, Digital & Business Strategist

Tools: Digital & business analytics, Interviews & Focus groups, Surveys & On-site Polls, Benchmark, Clusters & Design principles, Journey maps, Value proposition canvas, Digital strategy roadmap

Date: 2018


To re-design the online strategy and experience of the largest national insurance company, I worked collaboratively with another designer on a 3-stage process:

  • Exploratory stage

  • Strategic focus

  • Digital action plan


I led all activities for diagnosis and proposals. The implementation was carried out by another team. 

This was the first project I worked on as a Customer Experience Consultant & Designer.

* Due to the proprietary nature of this work, the case study will discuss my process and some of the work but at very high level.

first approach to the exploration

To immerse myself in the industry and products offered, I conducted research on public and internal digital data sources to carry out:

  • Keyword search volume analysis 

  • Digital analytics to collect quantitative data from the client's website

  • On-site polls to measure user satisfaction with specific areas of the website

  • Heat-maps that indicate user behavior regarding clicks, mouse movements and scrolling 

  • Benchmark to identify good practices in similar national and international companies

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Heat map for the car insurance website

Getting to know the clusters directly

2 clusters were selected from the client's segmentation:

  • Service optimization cluster

  • Need and potential services exploration cluster

I led the qualitative research (focus groups and interviews) to identify hypotheses on behavior insights, habits and attitudes. Additionally, I conducted quantitative research (surveyed +550 people) to validate hypotheses.

Based on the information collected, 4 cluster profiles were illustrated, each with design principles, journey maps and a value proposition canvas.


Each cluster profile highlighted the needs with the highest potential to fit into the insurance category. Insurance products with the capacity to capitalize on these needs were identified. 

Insights were captured through journey mapping to enhance the generation of new customers. Digital initiatives that could increase lead generation were proposed per touchpoint. Design principles were also defined per cluster.

The estimated impact on leads per initiative was calculated in order to prioritize and build a roadmap per cluster.

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Overview of the 4 personas created

* Blurred content due to the proprietary nature.

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Sample from one of the 4 personas: 'Jacky'

Journey Maps created for one of Jacky's needs. 2 needs were identified per persona.

Digital action plan

All the initiatives were mapped on a matrix of implementation  difficulty vs business impact; focusing mainly on quick wins.

The action plan consisted on: 

  • Optimizing the platform’s conversion rate: by prioritizing content on benefits and comparing coverages

  • Evolving content generation in its digital assets: based on keywords that present a high opportunity because of high search volumes

  • Increasing visibility in third party platforms and webs: by publishing content and generating alliances in third party websites

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Captura de pantalla 2021-01-13 a la(s) 0

Proposal showing one of the option sto increase visibility: offer insurance within product search


Insurance Company's enhanced catch phrases based on high opportunity keywords and content priorization

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the right tools for employees

How might we enhance the day-to-day journey of the bank's branch employees through the tools provided for them? 

(before and during the COVID-19 pandemic)

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How might we turn remote advisors into the main interaction channel, leaving the bank branches as the last option? 

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