imagining the future of work after the covid-19 pandemic
Sector: Financial services
Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP)
Role: Content contributor and facilitator
Tools: Exploration & Validation Workshops, Design Principles
Date: 2020
The challenge was to define a sustainable model for work (after the COVID-19 vaccine is available) to maximize employees’ performance by enabling the necessary conditions to work in the new context.
As the only designer on the project, I strategized, organized and facilitated 20 virtual co-creation workshops with +160 leaders across 8 companies and 3 countries. The aim was to co-create hypotheses and guidelines to detail how to work and define a strategy at corporate level with a differentiated implementation per company.
* Due to the proprietary nature of this work, the case study will discuss my process and some of the work but at very high level.

Photographs showing the work spaces of several employees during remote work due to COVID-19
Exploration workshops
I conducted 10 exploration workshops with +100 participants to identify the main touch-points of the employee’s experience that must be adapted in a remote environment, as well as the challenges and opportunities of their implementation.
I guided participants to prioritize journey maps, identify capacities or actions to overcome challenges or take advantage or opportunities, and used trends as triggers for participants to imagine the ideal work experience (post-vaccine).

Participants during the Exploration Workshops
* Blurred and deleted content due to the proprietary nature.
discoveries from the exploration
After analyzing all the information collected, 3 employee experience journey maps stood out: Day to day, Learning & Development, and Leadership & Culture. I highlighted challenges and opportunities, and defined design principles for the new way of work.
Additionally, I conducted a comparative analysis of the 8 companies and located each one on a scale, depending on how reactive or proactive they faced the future of work, ranging from the most reactive to the most proactive in relation to changes, proposals of new initiatives and experimentation.
On this section, I guided participants to forecast and simulate a typical day of a person in 2029. I started by presenting the 6 macrotrends and thinking how are we experimenting them now-a-days, what products, services or signals are related to each of the macrotrends. After the general walkthrough, our team focused only on one and unfolded different trends within that specific macrotrend. Participants were presented with different examples that they had to match with each unfolded trend.

Participants during the Exploration Woorkshops
* Blurred and deleted content due to the proprietary nature.
Discoveries from the validation
All of the initiatives were analyzed regarding the challenges they faced and their potential as solutions to overcome these challenges.
Afterwards, I prioritized the initiatives based on the viability of the implementation and business impact.
I am currently working on the design of one of these initiatives based on the principle of remote first.
I strategized and organized a Naming workshop with +40 participants to define how the new form of working should be named and communicated.
The pilot with the MVP will take place during upcoming months.

Structure, boards and participation during the Naming Workshop
* Blurred and deleted content due to the proprietary nature.
see other projects

How might we enhance the day-to-day journey of the bank's branch employees through the tools provided for them?
(before and during the COVID-19 pandemic)

How might we turn remote advisors into the main interaction channel, leaving the bank branches as the last option?