Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP)
Role: User Research, UX Design
Date: 2016
BCP is the largest owned financial institution in Peru, characterized by being conservative, reliable and accessible. However, their accessibility was lagging behind as users needed to approach a branch in order to perform most requests.
One of the products being impacted was Loans, with a commercial activity lower than expected by the bank due to the difficult access to the sales channel (long face-to-face process with queues, geographic distance, working hours).
In 2016, BCP's Innovation Center was working on a Loans solution, but started by focusing its MVP only for the bank's employees who were considered to have a "lead".
The challenge was scaling the solution outside the bank, with clients and non-clients.
The fist phase (diagnosis) included:
Shadowing and interviews from bank employees involved in the loan's process
Problem tree
Ishikawa diagram
Local, regional and international benchmark of banks and fintech
Process flow of the traditional (physical) loan request and the digital process proposed as MVP (for employees).
The second phase (proposed solution) included:
Solution tree
Analysis of alternative solutions
Process flow of the proposed solution
Functionalities of the Web Platform "Instant Loans"
CRUD Matrix (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
Digital prototype
User tests
"Instant Loans" is a web platform for any user (client and non-client of a bank) to be able to request and be approved for a loan instantly (for clients) or within 2 days (for non-clients).
It is faster, simple and secure for the client, eliminating the need to go to a bank branch.
The bank reduces costs (less physical branches and human resources involved) and controls risks with the authentication process.
Below is shown some of the screens and process flow of the prototype.
My role was to create the process flow, user flow, screens and prototype. ​
The user can simulate the loan before-hand to get an idea of the amount, interest rates and terms.
If the user agrees with the simulation as reference, he or she can procede to request an official loan. The whole process is displayed for the user to understand what is involved.
For authentication, the user's face is scanned and validated against the National Identification Registry of Peru.
The user is asked to perform gestures in order to prove that he or she is the real user and not a fraud or a picture being held against the camera.
All of the documentation process is digitalized in order for the user not to approach a physical branch anymore.
The user can save its progress and come back later to continue.
A status shows the pending items of the request.
To diminish the user's anxiety, messages are shown to
indicate that the request is being processed.
The estimated time of the evaluation is shown as well.
The user can track its progress and the time left for the confirmation or declination of the loan.
If the user isn't granted the loan, an empathic message is shown with possible reasons for the declination. Alternatives financial products are also provided to give options to the user.
A visual piece for the launch campaign was created as well.
THE Implementation plan
Deliverables included:
User Acceptance Tests
Product and Sprint Backlog
Functional and non-functional requirements
Use cases
Cash flow and costs saved
Stakeholder map
Communications plan
the learnings

8 user tests were carried out with potential clients.
By presenting the prototype to potential users, I was able to quickly get feedback on what worked and what didn't.
More visual than the current online banking platform.
Not having to go to the bank to have a simulation performed.
The simulation is a great idea, it gives you all of the information.
It's not like a calculator where you have to calculate everything personally.
This is like when you filter for houses or trips that you want to evaluate.
Tracking system to let the user know where he or she left.
I loved the tracking screen, it tells you what is pending and what you've done already in red o green.
I like the option of uploading the document directly on the tracking screen.
There is a lot of information asked for. To reduce the user's anxiety, include a progress bar and time estimated.
If I am logging out, how will I know that the information is going to be salved?
There should be a button to press.
If the user is married, a message should appear indicating that approval from the spouse is mandatory.
I thought that I would get the instant loan but got stuck waiting for my wife's approval,
I'm not with her right now.
Instead of my spouse having to identify himself with the camera, a secret code could be sent to his mail,
he just enters the code and then I get an email saying that I can procede.
In the end, include a button to the account statement to check that the disbursement has taken place.
Synchronize the payments with google calendar to get notifications.
the impact expected
time saved
for users
saved in costs
Encouraging the creation of a savings plan
How might we encourage clients to start saving and turn their plans into reality?
learning through play
How might we get students interested in philosophy and enjoy the learning experience?