Role: UX Design
Date: 2016
The game was proposed as a group project for the Philosophy course in order to transform the learning process into a more enjoyable one.
THE solution
"Philosophizing" is an app that, through play, allows students to increase their knowledge on philosophy topics and makes it easier for them to prepare for Philosophy tests. It is not only fun, but will also make you a better person and act with good will to achieve happiness.
The game was based on the idea of "Trivia Crack", a game that became very popular in Latin America.
Students can play on their own or compete amongst their classmates.
Students can create new questions and add them to the trivia.
The wheel contains 5 categories, and for each of them the student must play several rounds until he or she wins all of the Philosopher stickers.
The players can chat with their classmates or with the professor if they want to know more about philosophy.
I created the screens, user flow and prototype.
The game shows the player one philosophical question at a time
The player can either answer correctly (and keep playing)
or incorrectly (and lose a turn)
If the player answers 3 questions correctly, he or she earns a Philosopher sticker
The sticker is shown on the upper screen, and the wheel is ready to be spun again
The screens were replicated with a slight rotation on the wheel and automated to give the user the impression of a spinning wheel when played
If the player obtains 3 Philosopher stickers in a row, he or she must allow the opponent to play
The player can always choose which sticker to obtain
When answered incorrectly, the student can either read the question again or report a mistake
The player wins once all the Philosophers are collected and can start a new individual game or challenge a classmate
This was one of the projects I enjoyed the most during my time at University because it allowed me to explote the skills I had started developing on my own.
I had used Photoshop many times before to create sketches of art piece and posters or to edit pictures; but this was the first time I used it to create screens.
This was my first time creating a digital prototype as well, so I had to figure out many things that became became even more valuable to me for following projects.
I enjoy figuring out how a process should work, so creating the right user flow for the game mas awesome.
It was the only digital game of the whole class, most teams proposed riddles or board games.