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encouraging the creation of a savings plan

Company: Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP) 

Role: UX Design

Date: 2018


  • BCP is the largest owned financial institution in Peru and the first to launch its mobile app.

  • The app focused mainly on account enquiries and statements, but didn't encourage the clients to use the account to make their plans come true. 

  • The challenge was to motivate a the user to through behavioral design and nudges within the bank's app. 


  • I worked together with a behavioral designer on this project. My role was to co-create the user flows, create the screens and build the prototype to test with potencial clients. 

  • After performing interviews with clients, a Persona was developed. "Patricio" (35 years old) has a moderate-high income, but spends it without a clear goal on his mind. Instead of saving for long term goals, Patricio get carried away with smaller expenses. 

  • A user flow was proposed using behavioral design to encourage Patricio to accomplish his goal instead of allocating the money somewhere else. 


The deliverables included: 

  • Process flow of the proposed solution

  • Digital prototype


*The project was discharged before the user tests could be carried out. 


A new function  within the app was created in order to clients to create "plans" and start saving for long term goals that they usually wouldn't achieve. 

The user flow includes several messages based on behavioral design heuristics such as loss aversion and endownment.


Below is shown some of the screens and messages of the prototype.

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On the main screen, a  new section 
"My plans: Today is the best day to start saving for the plan you have in mind". 


The wording evoques ownership is a nudge for users to create their own plans.

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The user could pick from a list of common plans or create a different one. 

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Once the plan is created, a progress bar (behavioral element) shows the user how close he or she is of achieving the goal.

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If the user wanted to transfer money from the "plans" account to another one, a pop-up appeared with the message:

"Are you sure? Your progress will be reduced in X%" and a "Better not" button highlighted in a prominent color (behavioral element). 


Once again, the pop-up and the wording create friction for the user and appeal for aversion loss. 

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A similar message is shown if the user wants to eliminate the plan. In this case, the message is:

"Are you sure? You are 2 months away of achieving your goal."

the learnings

Despite the project was discharged, I loved it because it was my first encounter with behavioral design. 

By working close with a behavioral designer, I was able to get a grasp on the basics oh human behavior and start questioning how and why we take decisions. 

Later on, I took courses on behavioral design in order to deepen my knowledge on the topic and start applying it to other projects.



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